
Integrated approach of economic decisions

Individual and collective decision making is approached in a complementary manner by cognitive science, psychology, neuroscience and economics. Each of these disciplines uses its own language, approaches and methodologies to shed light on the decision-making process in relation to the environment in which it takes place. The research carried out in this area aims to better understand the decision-making process of all the actors in the economy based on the theoretical and experimental knowledge of the behavioral sciences.

This inter-disciplinary dialogue is facilitated by the participation of the researchers of the axis in the Chair “Ouvrir la Science Économique“, Hermès – PSE, as well as in the pre-doctoral training in the framework of the Master Economics and Psychology.

From an empirical point of view, this research mobilizes different methods. In particular, the Laboratoire d’Economie Expérimentale de Paris allows researchers to carry out laboratory experiments designed to observe, in controlled environments, the decisions that are made under different circumstances. The neurophysiological equipment of the laboratory also allows us to study decision processes. The work carried out in this axis also mobilizes survey data, in connection with the CEPREMAP’s Observatory of well-being, as well as controlled field experiments.