Discover this new book, published last December (Editions de l’Autreface) by André Masson, PSE Emeritus Professor, Director of Research Emeritus at the CNRS and Director of Studies at the EHESS.
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« Nos sociétés du vieillissement entre guerre et paix – Plaidoyer pour une solidarité de combat »
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Extract from the back cover
We are getting older. Our societies are ageing. We are living longer and longer. In 2040, 30% of the French population will be over 60, 15% over 75. Combined with the weight of an increasingly concentrated wealth, this unprecedented imbalance places our societies between war and peace, justifying a new dependence on one another in our existence, whether it be for living or for financing our needs. Can our societies renew themselves and extend their solidarity or are they condemned to a long series of difficulties, tensions and conflicts?
This is the question that André Masson addresses in order to draw up a more cooperative and inclusive perspective between individuals and between generations. To do this, he draws on philosophical, sociological, legal and economic elements. This global and well-informed analysis leads him to propose a set of concrete and remarkably coherent measures to weave new solidarities from young to old and from old to young. Incentives to invest, support, rather than punish; giving everyone the means to experience freedom. These are the perspectives of a vigilant and demanding peace in which this programme of institutional, social and financial reforms would allow us to be part of, as opposed to the war.
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André Masson is an economist and professor emeritus at PSE, director of research emeritus at the CNRS and director of studies emeritus at the EHESS. His research themes are related to the microeconomics of intertemporal and intergenerational household trade-offs: savings and wealth, risk and time behaviour, rationality of the saver within the framework of life cycle theory; motives and taxation of wealth transmission. They also concern pensions and social protection, the types and philosophies of the welfare state and the interactions between public and private solidarity between generations. He published in 2009: Des liens et des transferts entre générations (Editions de l’EHESS) and, more recently in a bilingual version with Luc Arrondel, in 2016: Épargne et espérance de vie. Opinions & Débats, No. 14 (Institut Louis Bachelier), and in 2017: Explaining the continuous decline in the number of shareholders since the crisis, Opinions & Débats, No. 17 (Institut Louis Bachelier).
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