We study individual and household behaviours with methods and concepts from economics, psychology and sociology, with a deep concern for the role of human subjectivity in social and political facts. Fields of application are diverse: determinants of well-being, social and gender inequalities, health supply and demand for health, food behaviours and food systems, sport, risky behaviours, COVID-19. Our works contribute to the analysis and the evaluation of public policies in the fields of health, nutrition and labour.
From an empirical point of view, our research mainly uses statistical or econometric methods applied to various data: household panel surveys such as the UKHLS, household scanner data (Kantar WorldPanel provided by INRAE platform ODALIM), various individual surveys provided by statistical offices or carried on purpose. We sometimes use experimental methods (lab) to test specific behavioural mechanisms. We have strong partnerships with the CEPREMAP, the Well-Being Observatory (directed by Claudia Senik), the Hospinnomics chair (directed by Lise Rochaix). We also benefit from competitive grants from various agencies (ERC, ANR, INCa, IReSP).
At PSE, we offer courses in health economics (Pierre-Yves Geoffard, Lise Rochaix), economics of well-being (Andrew Clark, Claudia Senik) and consumer economics applied to food and sustainability issues (Fabrice Etilé).